About the Toddler room
In the toddler room, we love to get messy, be very noisy and run around with our friends, while learning new things. This room is registered for 9 children aged from 1 yr – 1yr 10mths.
Our relationship with your child/children
All children are assigned a member of staff, as a key worker, who will develop and build a bond with you and your child. They will help to ensure your child is settled and happy and they will share information with you, about your child’s achievements.
All about our day
Our daily routine covers a range of activities and incorporates a lot of outside play when possible. Our routine includes time for planned activities which are based on a monthly theme encouraging children to learn about transport, animal’s, shapes, language and movement and much more. We encourage free play to allow the children to become more independent and creative as well as letting them develop their natural curiosity and problem solving skills.
Snack/meal times
We work in partnership with parents and do everything we can to adhere to your child’s routine. Our morning snack is at 10.15am, at this time the children will have toast, fruit. milk/water etc. Lunch time will range depending on each child from 12 – 1pm. Children will be given an opportunity to explore and discover new foods and tastes.
Sleep time
All children sleep in a cot with their own sheets/blankets. Nap time for our toddlers who sleep is from approx. 11.45-1pm. Our children who are fulltime may require a nap in the afternoon also, we follow routine set out by the parent.
Keeping you informed
The key worker will record how they get on during the day, from snack and sleep time to nappy changing and play time. This information will be sent home daily in a record book. This is great way for us to communicate with you the parent as it isn’t always possible to have a face to face communication each day.